Who doesn't know what movie that comes from?? It is from Aladdin. Love that movie...
So why did I start with that you may ask. Well I may answer... it is because this platform for blogging is WAAY better than what I was using. Way better! So I am excited for a new start... but here is the link to my old one if you would like to see some of my happenings in the "old world":
I attempted to convert everything over... but I just couldn't do it. If anyone knows how please inform me :)
Yeah... sorta boring I know. I am sorry... I hope to improve greatly. I am in a bit of a hurry but I wanted to get something up so my blog doesn't look so sad. I am going to start with.. well, a blank slate. This was my first "white Christmas" and I got a new camera... this means oodles of snow pictures are now on my computer just waiting to go somewhere. Here is one... a bit close but it gets the point across. I love how the snow "sparkles" in this one:
Much like I am with this clean slate... so I will post later on who I am and what people might need to know... just know that there will be a whole lotta God-food-animals-photography-wine-weather-David-research-Heidi-babysitting-work-graduate school TALK going down.
*FYI... I am a BIT of an organizer... so for instance, that list I really want to alphabetize it. I just want to go ahead and throw that out there.
That is all for now... just know, I am so excited about this :)

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